Version 1.6 -Tau Ceti- * [NEW] Install script added, unzip the files and point your browser to tiki-install.php * [NEW] Initial LDAP support has been added using PEAR::Auth. This will be expanded in future releases and is completely optional. * [NEW] Graphviz integration, a plugin can be used to visualize a navigable graph of a subwiki indicating a page to start and depth level. Also included is tiki-wiki_graph.php?page=Name&level=X to render the graph (non-navigable) as an image anywhere in Tiki. * [NEW] Users with the right permission can do "minor" edits on wiki pages minor edits are not reflected in the history nor are notified by email to users "watching" the page. * [NEW] Forums: Option to allow wiki markup in forum/comment posts. * [NEW] Forums: the topic description can be disabled when browsing forums. * [NEW] Checkboxes added in page history to remove many versions of a page. * [NEW] View page source option from page history for any version. * [NEW] Inter wiki links, admin can define URLS in the format$page or similar ascociating the URL with a name then the syntax ((Wiki:name)) can be used to link to a page in an external wiki. This can be used with other Tiki sites or other wikis as well provided that the URL to a page can be constructed putting the page name somewhere in a URL. * [NEW] Wiki pages can be renamed. * [CHG] Comment and link to diff are now informed when notifying that a page has changed * [NEW] Option to allow users to lock a page and only the user who locked the page can unlock it. * [NEW] Handlers can be defined to change how wiki pages and other objects are parsed, you can define pre-handlers and pos-handlers. See the file tiki-handlers.php * [NEW] Some tiki objects can be saved in 1-click to the user notepad. * [NEW] Mini calendar for events by user with daily, weekly and lit view, event topics, find events, etc. * [NEW] Users can configure if they want to double-click to edit wiki pages. * [NEW] Themes can redefine ANY template of Tiki, just create the template in the templates/styles/name directory and Tiki will use that file. If the file is not there it will default to the templates directory. (McKenna) * [NEW] Alternative syntax for tables, you can sepparate rows using line returns instead of ||. You have to select which syntax to use in the admin screen. * [NEW] Admin menu submit buttons now get back to the admin section where the submited information was found. * [NEW] User menus, the user can add items to the application menu, an option to automatically add top-level bookmarks to the menu is provided. * [NEW] Theme control center: if activated you can control the theme by section, by category or by specific object. (Laporte) * [NEW] Ephemerides feature: admin can set up images/texts for specific dates, users can browse using the calendar to get the images/texts for any day. A module is provided to display the image/text for the day, if many one is choosen randomly. * [NEW] User files section, users can store personal files and download them whenever they want, files are only visible to the user. Admin can control a disk quota for each user. * [NEW] User Notepads section added, users can sketch notes view them and remove them, the notes can be viewed as parsed wiki pages or unparsed. Useful to keep memos, user personal information, etc. * [NEW] Newsreader added, users can add newsservers, browse groups from the servers and read the articles from any group. A save position option is provided to highlight new messages per group/user * [NEW] SnowChekMail the function used to validate email addresses can be disabled if you configure your system as Windows in the main admin panel. * [NEW] My Tiki section added as a refurbished user_preferences section, this new section includes webmail, user_preferences, modules, bookmarks, tasks and all the per-user sections of Tiki. * [NEW] Wiki plugin added: SPLIT used to split a wiki page in two columns. * [NEW] Wiki plugin added: SQL can be used to display the result of an SQL query to the tiki database, useful for reports and others. As admin you can setup dsns that users can use and set permissions for each dsn!. This cool feature can be used to display queries from your tiki site, or from other applications or databases in a controlled way in your wiki pages. * [NEW] User tasks, users can set-up tasks and mark tasks as completed or remove tasks, a user module is provided. This can be used as a simple to-do list for users. * [NEW] Wiki page footnotes, wiki pages can have footnotes, footnotes are kept at user level (each user only sees his footnotes for each page). This allow users to keep his private comments and notes for Wiki pages. * [NEW] Plugins added to normal distribution: code, avatar, center * [NEW] Plugins can be nested * [NEW] Plugins are re-entrant, a plugin can generate another plugin code. * [NEW] Wiki structures can be used to generate slide shows * [NEW] Changed translation routines to a Smarty prefilter, the first time the screen is generated it will be slower but then all the pages will be rendered very fast. Performance improvement. * [NEW] Permissions interface improved supporting multiple permission settings in one operation (the famous checkboxes are here) * [NEW] Permission levels added to the permissions, allowing the admin to classify permissions by level and then assign/remove all the permissions in some level to a group * [NEW] Who is online module added displaying a list of registered users currently online * [NEW] Tooltips added when text is truncated * [NEW] Optional remember-me feature added to the login box. The lifetime of the cookie can be configured. * [NEW] Contact-us feature added showing the user an option to send a message to the admin unser (configurable) and an option to send an email to admin. * [NEW] Inter-user messaging added, users can read,write messages to other Tiki users. an option and permissions are provided to broadcast a message to a group of users or to all the users. * [NEW] User information page added to see information about a user. The user can make his information public/private from his user preferences * [NEW] Tiki tags are now allowed in FAQ answers * [NEW] Smarty version distributed with Tiki upgraded to 2.4.3 * [NEW] Caching mechanism for wiki pages. Wiki pages can be cached for a specified time before they have to be parsed again by the wiki engine. This does not affect undos,rollbacks and edits that are immediately reflected. This option can be turned on/off. For sites using large or complex wiki pages it can show a good performance improvement. * [NEW] Directory feature added to Tiki. Links can be organized in categories, users can add links to be validated by admin, many options for display and functionality. * [NEW] "su" option added to let admin login as any user once logged as admin, in this way he can configure or fix a user problem without never asking for the user password. * [NEW] Country added to user preferences, the country flag is also displayed in forum posts of the user. * [NEW] Wiki structures. You can create structures of wiki pages and the new tag {toc} can be used to display a table of contents for the structure in a wiki page. When a page is part of a structure links to the next and previous page are provided as well as a link to the first page of the structure, where you should place the {toc} and other information. Version 1.5 -Regulus- * [FIX] Several Minor Typos (jaw959 et al.) * [NEW DEVLEOPER] Joseph Witthuhn (jaw959) can be contacted at * [NEW] You can select the name of your Wiki home page. Can be other than HomePage. * [NEW] Now admin has an option to enable full wiki page names allowing spaces and accents and other chatacters to be part of a wiki page. * [NEW] Quick image uploads to wiki pages, you can upload a picture from the editpage feature and have it displayed in the page inmediately * [NEW] Added a login screen that can be used in columnless layouts or for emergency purposes if the login box or the columns have problems. The file is tiki-login_scr.php. * [NEW] Added a phpinfo link to check your php installation in the admin menu. * [NEW] Now you can make batch uploads of zip files for file galleries. If you have the right permission just upload a zip file and all the files will be added to the gallery. * [NEW] Now you can use comments for inividual blog posts. * [FIX] Tikilib code reduced splitting it into smaller libraries reducing memory consumption. (stage1) * [NEW] Added a description field for Wiki pages (optional) when this feature is disabled the description is displayed below the page name and as the title of a link to the page (form other pages). * [NEW] Added direct link to pages in paginations (optional) if enabled you can jump to any page of a multi page listing by following a link. * [NEW] Newsletters added, admins can setup newsletters and users can subscribe, emails are requiered to confirm subscriptions and prevent spamming. Then admin can simply send an HTML based newsletter to the subscribed (and confirmed) users. Users can unsubscribe using a URL. * [NEW] Added an option to generate gzipped output to the browser. * [NEW] Base templates can now be defined by theme so you can create a theme presenting a whole different layout for Tiki. You can also use this to create themes including images and other decoration elements in Tiki. Since only base templates are classified by theme you can do it changing just a few files. If you don't want to change the layout just copy the templates from the templates directory if you are creating a theme. * [NEW] Changed wiki page names to support up to 150 characters * [NEW] Menus now preserve their state between pages (using cookies) if cookies are disabled then menus wont preserve state but will still work as they did before. * [NEW] Added plugins to the Wiki, now you can create your own plugins for the wiki to suit your needs. The syntax is simple, see lib/wiki_plugins/example.php for a description and example. * [NEW] Admin can choose if passwords are stored in plaintext or not. If not, a hash will be used to authenticate users and the remind-password feature will generate a new password and send it by email. The new password will be immediately due so the user will be forced to change it. * [NEW] All the Javascript code has been packed into a library * [NEW] BiDi support. Added support for BiDi languages. Added BiDi.css file to control BiDi directionality and layout. * [NEW] Added ~np~ ~/np~ syntax to the Wiki to make page sections unparsed. Can be used to put HTML code or anything that you want as-is without wiki syntax being parsed. * [NEW] Fulltext searching added (optional). By enabling this feature, results will be sorted by the relevance of the match to the search query. Also, search results will be ordered first by relevance, and then by section (wiki, blog, etc.). Non-fulltext searching continues to sort first by section, and then by 'hits'. * [NEW] PHPWikiImport feature. You can export pages from a PHPWiki dump into tiki even versions will be created. * [NEW] Export all wiki feature. As admin you can export the whole wiki as a text dump that can later be imported into this or another Tiki site. * [NEW] Import/export wiki pages. Wiki pages can now be exported to a .txt Mime-alike format and imported from an exported file. * [NEW] Slideshows added, if a wiki page contains more than one -=titlebar=- then you can display it as a slide show. This is a very cool feature. * [NEW] Admin can select the minimum length for a password to be valid * [NEW] Admin can choose if user passwords must include letters and numbers to be valid * [NEW] Admin can setup passwords lifetime and Tiki will force the user to change his password once the password is expired. * [NEW] Challenge-response authentication added, if enabled and the browser support Javascript then user passwords are never send across the network being replaced by a challenge-response authentication algorithm. This improves security since the chance of password eavesdropping is reduced a lot. * [NEW] Added sections to forums, now you can put forums into sections and the forums listing will list forums for each existing section. (As phpBB and other forum software does). * [NEW] Improved forum layout to be nicer (Roger) * [NEW] Avatars added to forums. Users can configure their avatars from their user preferences screen, pick an avatar from the library (more than 500) or upload an image to be used as your avatar. * [NEW] Surveys, create surveys to get a better understanding on your users opinions, many survey question types, users can fill surveys and stats are stored. * [NEW] Many bugs fixed, google module now works, definition lists fixed, wiki lists fixed, etc., etc. * [NEW] Webmail, set-up as many POP-accounts as you want, select a "current" account and you will be able to read emails, write emails, delete emails, download attachments, use attachments, write or read HTML based emails. Manage your address book, automatically add addresses to your address book and all the regular cool webmail features. * [NEW] Trackers, trackers are a flexible way to track user-requests and groupware tasks, you can define the fields for each tracker. Many field-types supported. Tracker items can be commented and can have file attachments, tracker items can be assigned to a user or group and will appear in the user preferences page (the user's home). Trackers and tracker items can be monitored and Tiki will send you an email when something is changed. You can open-close tracker items. * [NEW] HTTPS protocol is now supported. Tiki can now run over HTTPS connections. * [NEW] Tiki can now be run on any web server port, not just 80/443. * [NEW] Dates and times are displayed in the time zone specified by the user and/or the administrator. The administrator (but not the user) can also specify the date and time format strings. Month and weekday names are also localized, if locales are configured correctly on the server. * [NEW] The administrator can allow or require HTTPS logins. The user can choose to stay in HTTPS mode after logging in. Version 1.4.2 -Mira- * [FIX] Fixed a bug that crashed image caching * [FIX] Fixed a bug that allowed admins with permission to edit templates to edit any file * [FIX] Fixed a bug that made unassigned modules remain assigned for registered users * [FIX] Now you can use ' in the browser title and other preferences Version 1.4.1 -Mira- * [FIX] Fixed a bug that made Tiki unaware of links using the new ((name|description)) syntax resulting in orphan pages and fake link structure for the Wiki. * [FIX] Corrected an error in tiki_1.3to1.4.sql, added the params column to tiki_user_assigned_modules that was missing * [FIX] Fixed a bug related to an incorrect link when editing the user personal page as admin fro the user_preferences page Version 1.4 -Mira- * [NEW] Quizzes, you can create quizzes with as many multiple-choice questions as you want and program specific answers to be displayed to the user depending on the Quiz score. Quiz results can be stored and you can control if Quizzes can be repeated and establish a time limit for Quizzes if you want. Useful for fun or for learning, courses, etc. * [NEW] Smileys can now be disabled enabled from the Admin screen. (Dedicated to Tom) * [NEW] Templates can be edited and used for Wiki pages and CMS articles. A simple way of creating pre-formatted Wiki pages and Articles, you can template articles to review CDs, sites, etc * [NEW] Optionally you can make the user enter a special passcode to let him register into your site, this can be used for semi-privates sites or for sites where users are only added by invitation. * [NEW] Users can now suggest FAQ questions and FAQ admins can add the questions to the FAQ if they want. * [NEW] You can specify the opening type for featured links, the link can be opened in a new window, in the same window or in a frame inside the window. * [NEW] Script to export the wiki link-structure, tiki-link_structure.php can be called to get a txt representation of the Wiki structure each line is formatted in the form PageName LinkToPage LinkToPage LinkToPage... This can be used to construct a graph of the Wiki, to make stats, etc. This is useful specially for the TouchGraph Wiki browser which uses this format of link structure to draw a graphical representation of the Wiki pages. * [NEW] Underline syntax for Wiki pages (I don't like underlined text in web sites because it seems like a broken link to me but...) Use ===text=== to underline * [NEW] Now lists can include arbitrary nesting using *,#,**,***,##,### etc. * [NEW] The current date can be included in any module or template using {showdate mode="d/m/Y [h:i]"}, the mode follows the syntax to format dates using the PHP date function. * [NEW] You can filter by article topic and type in the articles listing * [NEW] You can categorize objects from the screens were the objects are created, just select the categories and the object will be assigned to that categories. * [NEW] Top games module * [NEW] When creating a group you can make the group "include" other groups, so permissions from included groups are automatically assigned to the new group. This can be used as an easy way to extend groups by adding some new permissions to an existing group. * [NEW] Random images syntax for modules use {gallery id=n} to include a random image from gallery n (Evan) * [NEW] Improved thumbnail generation keeping aspect ratio and using GD2+ functions if GD2+ is installed (Evan) * [NEW] You can edit images names and descriptions (Evan) * [NEW] Extended the syntax for Wiki internal references to support ((page|description) * [NEW] Imrpoved and simplified application menu, now links are more intuitive and the admin functions are better organized in the user space if you have the right permissions. * [NEW] Added a cancel button when editing wiki pages * [NEW] Mail notifications screen where you can pick email addresses to be notified when specific events occur, for example when a user registers or when a submission is received * [NEW] New theme jalist inspired in * [NEW] ShoutBox, a graffiti wall where users can send messages, a module to display the last "n" messages and to add new messages is included. This is nice :-) * [NEW] Templates for mail notifications, all the Tiki mails that can be sent can now be customized by editing the templates in templates/mail so you can write whatever you want and personalize the emails. * [NEW] Dual storing policy for uploads. As an admin you can choose between storing file uploads on the database or a directory. If it is a directory make sure your PHP can read/write to the dir but the users can't list the dir (or they will be able to download all the files from your site). It's your choice, Tiki is flexible. * [NEW] Now modules are inmediately displayed after assigning them from the admin-modules screen (remember that if you have personalized modules you will have to assign them from your user preferences page) * [NEW] Since your last visit module showing new items on the site after the user last login date. * [NEW] Now assigned permissions are identified from unassigned permissions when assigning permissions to a group. * [NEW] The page layout can be configured different for each section (blogs, galleries, etc) * [NEW] HTML pages and dynamic pages, you can create any HTML page and display it using a URI, pages can have dynamic zones that can be edited from an admin screen, you can create dynamic pages that will be updated live without the need to refresh the browser. This can be used to show sports scores, stock info, weather, etc. * [NEW] You can set any URI as your home page so you can make any section of Tiki your home. * [NEW] You can activate stats for the search module and you will be able to see the number of times each word was searched by users. * [NEW] Usage graph in the stats page, you can see how many hits you have in different sections of your site. * [NEW] You can enable disable the users ability to change the theme or language from the user preferences screen * [NEW] You can setup filters for file names that can or cannot be uplaoded, the filter accepts a Perl-style regular expression and you can set positive matches and negative matches (accept only files matching xx or reject files matching xx) * [NEW] Google search module * [NEW] Preview feature when assigning modules * [NEW] Modules can now receive parameters in the form of a query string ex: foo=1&bar=3 this can be used to alter the behaviour of modules. * [NEW] The last_files module now accepts the galleryId parameter, if set the module will list the last "n" files for the specified gallery only. * [NEW] Added the number of articles for each topic when listing topics (submissions too) * [NEW] Added quiz stats to the stats page * [NEW] You can now select the default ordering for the blog listing from the admin menu * [NEW] Raw mode navigation added to the wiki, you can use tiki-index_raw.php instead of tiki-index.php to get a raw representation of wiki pages without the columns, bars and decorations. This can be used to feed an application that navigates wikis such as the Touchgraph Wiki browser. * [NEW] Improved forums section, some bugs fixed and now the information about the last forum post or last topic message shows the title of that post and the author. * [NEW] Option added in the admin screen to prevent counting admin pageviews for the site stats. * [NEW] New syntax for tables you can use ||r1-c1|r1-c2c3||r1c1c2||r1-c1|r1-c2|r1-c3|| [Ross] * [NEW] Editable drawings can be included in Wiki pages, articles and blog posts using {draw name=foo}, a permission is needed to be able to edit_drawings. Drawings are stored in a directory and identified by their name. The drawings are edited using a Java applet called jHotDraw. This feature can be disabled * [NEW] Referer stats, you can enable an option to store statistics about referers to your site, a screen where the referers are listed is provided to see the stats. * [NEW] Batch upload of Images. If you have the permission you can upload .zip files and all the images in the zip file are automatically added to the gallery. * [NEW] File attachments for wiki pages, with the right permissions you can upload files to wiki pages and a list of attached files will be displayed at the bottom of the wiki page and they can be downloaded. * [NEW] Now images for the image galleries can be stored optionally in a directory instead of the database, the same recommendations and tips about storing file uploads should be observed. * [NEW] Improved spellchecker, now the spellchecker suggest several options for miss-spelled words and you can choose the option that you prefer from the list. * [NEW] Icons are displayed for file extensions when listing files * [NEW] You can enable/disable an option to display the page title for wiki pages * [NEW] Improved menu builder * [NEW] You can now choose if hotword links are opened in a new window * [OPT] Reduced the number of queries that tiki makes when loading preferences, if not changed preferences are loaded from a file now this is controlled automatically and you don't have to do anything. * [FIX] Fixed a terrible bug that broke file and image uploads on SOME windows systems. * [NEW] Search entire site feature added to the search box and improved the search mechanism. [Ross] Version 1.3 -Pollux- * [NEW] Spellchecking, now you can spellcheck your articles, submissions, wiki_pages and blog_posts before saving them, the spellchecking dictionary for your language must be downloaded and installed to make this work, dictionaries will be provided as simple .sql dumps and can be downloaded from SourceForge. In this edition the english dictionary is provided. (Read the documentation to learn how to install the dictionary). Spellchecking can be enabled/disabled for Articles, Submissions, WikiPages and blogs from the admin screen. * [NEW] Orphan pages listing, list pages that are not linked from any other wiki page. * [NEW] RSS feeds for forums listing the last post to any forum in your site * [NEW] RSS feed for individual forums listing the last posts to a given forum * [NEW] New Diff routine taken from PHPWiki in the Wiki history for a page, now you can see the diff or compare two versions side-by-side as before. * [NEW] New syntax for colored text in the Wiki ~~#0000FF:text~~ to insert text using colors * [NEW] Syntax to center text ::text:: will center the text * [NEW] Relevance ranking for WikiPages based on a PageRanking algorithm * [NEW] You can now send/receive articles from/to other Tiki sites from the communications center * [NEW] You can now search deep into subcategories from the category browser * [NEW] Added a tool to produce a printable version of multiple Wiki pages * [NEW] Now you can preview comment postings in any "commentable" area or in the forums * [NEW] BreadCrumb navigation module listing the last "n" pages that you visited * [NEW] New feature: FAQs, create and edit faqs, list faqs, popular faqs module and last faqs module, search for text in faqs. * [FIX] Several fixes regarding "find" functions in listings * [NEW] Find feature in the listing of Wiki pages * [NEW] New syntax for WikiPages ((any)) can be used to create the "any" page, now page names are NOT limited to the CapitalizedWordsSmashedTogether rule * [NEW] Syntax to prevent converting Smashed words into wiki names use: ))SomeIdea(( * [NEW] Now you can double-click on a wiki page to edit it (some browsers only) * [NEW] Filter added in the communication center to find specific objects to be sent * [NEW] A tool to autogenerate passwords was added in the resgistration screen for lazy users * [NEW] New feature: Backups, you can create backups of your entire Tiki base, download backups to be saved in some safe place, upload a backup and restore backups. Backups are encrypted to prevent a user from stealing information from your site. * [NEW] New registration mode, now you can make Tiki validate users email address by sending them an email with a link to first-login in Tiki, once activated the user will login normally with his password. Of course this feature is optional and can be enabled/disabled from the Admin screen. * [NEW] QuickEdit module, where you can type the name of a WikiPage and quickly edit/create the page without finding a link to the page, this can create a lot of orphan pages but can also be very very helpful to people maintaining the Wiki to quickly create pages and edit them. * [NEW] Optinally Tiki can display a "I forgot my password link" for unregistered users to allow users that have forgotten their password to get it by email. You can enable/disable this feature from the Admin screen. * [NEW] User Bookmarks, users with the proper permission can create bookmarks and store them in folders, they can admin their bookmarks as they want, a cache is provided for user bookmarks. A user module to display bookmarks with an option to quick-add a Tiki page to the bookmarks is also included. * [NEW] Users with the right permission can configure the modules that will be displayed in the left/right columns and the order in which modules will appear. This can be used to let users configure their modules as they want, as an admin you must make all the modules that the users can configure available by default. * [NEW] Statistics, a page where you (or anyone with permission) can view a lot of statistics about the site including a graph showing the number of pageviews per day. Statistics can be enabled/disabled from the admin screen, please suggest new (useful) statistics that can be added in future versions * [NEW] Fortune cookies (taglines), you can enter taglines or upload from a textfile, the {cookie} syntax can be used to display a random cookie in articles, posts, wiki pages,etc or any template. * [NEW] Games section to play flash games, upload games or use the provided additional game-pack. You can upload new games, edit the descriptions and play. * [NEW] Added a new theme: dblue. * [NEW] Now the list of users in the current chat channel is displayed in the chatrooms. * [NEW] Now you can send private messages in the chatrooms using ":username:message" * [NEW] Reviews added, now articles can be normal articles or reviews, for reviews the editor can rate whatever he is reviewing. * [NEW] Undo feature in the wiki, if a user can edit pages then he can undo what he edited pressing an undo button, users without permission to remove versions won't be able to undo what other users edited only his editions can be undone. * [NEW] Individual permissions for CMS topics added, you can now control who can read some topics, if the topic has no individual permissions then it will be displayed to all the groups. But if you want you can assign the tiki_p_read_topic permission to some groups for a topic and only those groups will be able to read that topic. * [NEW] A mini-popup window can be opened when editing objects to help the user insert special characters in the text, specially latin characters, accents, etc. This is taken from the horde project and submited by Marc Laporte. * [CHG] Tiki is now using Smarty 2.3.1 the last stable Smarty release Version 1.2 -Antares- * [THANKS] Special thanks to AlBrown,MarcLaporte,Yakumo,Ramiro,Tom,Tesla2k and others ! for submitting many bugs that are now fixed and for suggesting many features that are now implemented. If some feature is not yet included don't worry it will be addressed in a future version. Thanks! * [FIX] Fixed a bug when adding new topics * [NEW] Added a find feature to the lastchanges section in the Wiki (Ramiro) * [NEW] Categories: You can create categories and subcategories building a category tree, objects (pages, forums, blogs, image galleries, file galleries, etc) can be assigned to one/many categories, the user can browse categories finding objects for each specific category. * [NEW] Communication center: Now you can send/receive Wiki pages from/to other Tiki-enabled sites using a simple XMLRPC API, received pages are stored in an "inbox" where an admin can view,edit,remove,accept the pages. This new feature can be used to send a Tiki page from one site to another one! * [NEW] Consolidated CSS file, there're two CSS files in this distribution: subSilver and default2, if you want to produce a new theme you can change any of these, subSilver is longer and uses an individual style for every element in Tiki while default2 applies the same style to multiple elements (ie: tables) and thus is a faster way to get a theme ready. * [FIXED] Fixed bugs in the registration screen and now the username is validated. * [NEW] Forums!, now you can set-up mesage forums, forums are organized by topics and topics by threads, users can post, reply and quote messages in forums, messages can be voted using the same karma system used in comments. Many features are "copied" from phpBB since it is the best forum software for PHP, we copied those features and integrated the forums with the Tiki permission system, rankings, modules and search engine. There's a lot about forums so I guess it's best to stop the description here, the documentation will introduce all the features in forums. * [NEW] Now you can upload the thumbnail of an image when uploading an image, this will prevent automatic thumbnail generation. Some users wanted this feature because thumbnail generation didn't work or they wanted to upload their own thumbnails. Maybe you want to have a thumbnail that is not the same as the full image so you can use this feature. Thumbnails will be displayed using the size assignated for thumbnails to the image gallery. * [NEW] Now you can set up how old must a version be at least to be removed from the history, this can prevent a user from saving a page "n" times destroying a previous version. (Thanks to tesla2k for the tip) * [NEW] Links to help including objects in user modules where added to the admin_modules screen. * [NEW] Next and prev buttons where added to view the next/prev image when browsing images from a gallery * [NEW] Now you can control which groups can view image galleries and filegalleries * [NEW] Individual permissions for image galleries, as an admin you can control which groups can view, admin, upload to a specific gallery overriding global permissions. * [NEW] Individual permissions for file galleries, as an admin you can control which groups can view, admin, upload and download to a specific gallery overriding global permissions. * [NEW] Individual permissions can be set up by admins to weblogs, so you can control which groups can read, admin and post to specific weblogs. * [NEW] Module: last blog posts listing the last "n" posts to any weblog. * [NEW] From the page-permissions screen admins can set up email addresses that will receive an email when the page changes. If you want to remotely monitor some page this is for you. * [NEW] Chatrooms feature (experimental), you can create chatrooms and the users can enter chatrooms and chat, the refreshing time for each chatroom can be configured and the page is not reloaded, only an invisible frame with size 0 is reloaded to get fresh chat messages. * [NEW] RSS modules, create RSS modules to display news/events from other sites, you can display RSS feeds in user modules using {rss id=n}, you can set up which feeds can be displayed and the refreshing time for each feed. RSS 0.91 and 1.0 are supported. * [NEW] Polls, you can create polls, set polls to be "active,closed,current". Polls can be displayed in modules using {poll id=n} or {poll} to select a random poll from the "current" polls. There's a page to view poll results and old poll results and old polls not closed can be voted. A mechanism to prevent a user from voting many times is also included. * [NEW] Menu builder section, you can build menus using sections and options, menus can be static (no javascript) or dynamic. Menus can be displayed in user modules using {menu id=n} * [NEW] If you give a group the tiki_p_edit_comments permission then the group can edit comments (useful for admins to fix bad comments or if you want someone to censor comments) * [NEW] Comments can now be filtered by threshold * [NEW] Comments for weblogs and you can enable/disable weblog comments from the admin screen * [NEW] Comments for articles, you can enable/disable article commenting from the admin screen * [NEW] Comments for image galleries you can enable/disable comments for image galleries from the admin screen * [NEW] Comments for file galleries you can enable/disable comments for file galleries from the admin screen * [NEW] A selected file gallery can be used as the home page for the site * [NEW] Now you can enable/disble RSS feeds from the admin screen and limit the maximum number of items for any feed * [NEW] RSS feed for individual file galleries listing the last images uploaded to a given gallery * [NEW] RSS feed for individual image galleries listing the last images uploaded to a given gallery * [NEW] RSS feed for weblogs listing last posts to any weblog * [NEW] RSS feed for file galleries listing last files uploaded * [NEW] RSS feed for image galleries listing last images uploaded * [NEW] Random pages module * [NEW] Now you can include dynamic content blocks in wiki pages using {content id=n} or {rcontent id=n} * [NEW] Now you can use {rcontent id=n} to select a random content from a dynamic block content, the {content id=3} syntax can also be used to select the last current content for a block * [FIX] Fixed typos in the editing rules for Wiki pages * [NEW] New Wiki element: ^some^ will render "some" inside a simple box * [NEW] The layout can be configured from the admin screen you can enable disable the columns, top bar and footer * [NEW] Added a new theme: classic based on white-blue simple colors similar to * [FIX] Fixed a wrong link in the weblogs * [FIX] Fixed wrong links for images in the image galleries * [FIX] Fixed a bug that broke image uploads Version 1.1 -Capella- * [NEW FEATURE] The edit button now shows on red if someone may be editing the page, this helps preventing two users from editing the same page. This feature can be enabled/disabled from the admin menu. * [CHANGE] Now HTML tags are filtered out from weblog posts except normal tags such as a,p,img,br,table,i,b,etc * [CHANGE] Link added to edit the page from the wiki pagelist * [NEW FEATURE] Page generation time was added below the footer * [CHANGE] The featured links admin screen has been revamped, now featured links can be enabled/disabled and ordered as you want, an automatic ordering feature by link-hits was also added. Hits are now counted and displayed for featured links. * [CHANGE] The titlebars in wikipages are now brown instead of the terrible blue ones. * [NEW FEATURE] File galleries, create galleries, add files to galleries, download files. Permissions configurable, rankings for file galleries and modules available. * [CHANGE] Module names are now sorted in the admin modules screen * [CHANGE] Now you can see permissions according to categories when assigning permissions to groups, the assign permissions was revamped * [NEW FEATURE] Wiki page comments, now you can activate/deactivate comments for wiki pages, comments can be voted and replied, configurable permissions and karma system for comment points(!) * [FIX] Fixed minor layout problems and xhtml glitches * [FIXES] Several bugfixes and minor improvements on the code. Version 1.0 -Ras Algheti- * [NEW FEATURE] Dynamic content system: create, edit or program dynamic blocks, dynamic blocks can be included in any template or in a user module using a very simple syntax via a smarty plugin, this can be used for news, programmed announcements, results of sports, important news, quotes, messaging and many other features. * [CHANGE] User modules are now parsed by smarty allowing the user to create user modules to display dynamic content (using the dynamic content system), banners, lists loops, etc. * [NEW FEATURE] Edit templates: templates can now be edited with appropiate permission, this allows the admin to change any layout or presentation aspect of the site dynamically. (Use it carefully) * [NEW FEATURE] Banners and text adds: edit and admin banners, banners can be placed in any template and distributed in zones. Many configuration and control settings for banners, HTML banners, Image banners and text adds supported. Banner stats page accesible by normal users if they are the banner client. * [NEW FEATURE] Added an option to remove images in the system gallery not being used in actual Wiki pages, articles, submissions or blog_posts (this can be used to clean up the images gallery table from time to time since users may have removed pages, blog_posts or articles and the cached version of images used in those pages will still be present) * [NEW FEATURE] Added a mechanism to prevent caching some images * [NEW FEATURE] Added a nocache option to external links to prevent displaying the cache link for some links * [NEW FEATURE] Topics, edit topics, associate an image with a topic. (Topics are used by articles) * [NEW FEATURE] Articles, edit articles, program articles to be published, visit a home where the last "n" articles are displayed. * [NEW FEATURE] Submissions, send submissions, edit submissions, approve/remove submissions. * [NEW FEATURE] Blogs, create a weblog, post to weblogs, list weblogs, view a weblog. * [NEW FEATURE] The home page of the application can be now the Wiki HomePage, the Articles HomePage, any weblog or any Image gallery * [NEW FEATURE] Articles rankings: top articles, last articles, top authors * [NEW FEATURE] Wiki rankings: top pages, top authors * [NEW FEATURE] Image galleries rankings: top images, top galleries, last modified galleries * [NEW FEATURE] Blog ranklings: top visited weblogs, most active weblogs, last changed weblogs. * [NEW MODULES] Last articles, old articles, top articles, las submissions, number of submissions waiting * [NEW MODULES] Last modified weblogs, top visited weblogs, most active weblogs * [NEW FEATURE] Enable/disable rankings for articles, wiki, galleries and Blogs * [NEW FEATURE] RSS feed for articles * [NEW FEATURE] RSS feed for weblogs * [NEW FEATURE] The ALT-s key can be used to access the searchbox * [CHANGED] New search engine that can search in Wikipages, galleries, images, blogs and articles * [CHANGED] Added pagination and tabs to search other features to the search results page * [NEW FEATURE] The Wiki can be enabled/disabled * [NEW FEATURE] Articles can be enabled/disabled * [NEW FEATURE] Submissions can be enabled/disabled * [NEW FEATURE] Blogs can be enabled/disabled * [CHANGED] The application menu now is divided into expandable/collapsable sections * [NEW FEATURE] Implemented the Blogger XMLRPC api, now you can use desktop applications compatible with blogger to edit Tiki weblogs * [NEW FEATURE] The XMLRPC API can be enabled/disabled * [CHANGES] Documentation updated and enhanced * [FIX] Fixed a bug that returned users with admin permission to tiki-index if the login name was not 'admin' * [FIX] Fixed a bug that prevented recognition of wiki pages if the name had a number * [FIX] User preferences is not shown if the user is not logged * [FIX] Fixed wrong link to show the image in an HTML page when browsing an image * [FIX] Fixed a very Nasty bug that was breaking pages where a link to an internal wiki page was used and breaking links to URLS that contained names that may have been matched as wikipages. Version 0.95 -Shaula- * [NEW FEATURE] User personal page in the Wiki with a page editable only by the user * [NEW FEATURE] User preferences screen where users can set-up personal info, choose a theme and they can also view their pages/blogs/articles. * [FIX] Changed several layout problems specific to some browsers, fixed layout now whould work ok with mozilla, IE and Netscape * [CHANGE] Re-designed the admin screen to make it modular and clear * [CHANGE] Allow HTML is now turned on unless checked out ir the user has tiki_p_allow_HTML permission * [FIX] Fixed bugs in the modules administration screen that prevented editing & removing user modules * [FIX] Fixed a bug with -=titlebars=- in wiki pages, now they work using the titlebar style from CSS * [NEW FEATURE] Added featured links as a feature that can be disabled from the admin screen * Modules for galleries and images are now not shown if the image galleries feature is disabled * [FIX] Fixed several bugs regarding the appearance of ' characters in pages * [NEW FEATURE] Added and option in the admin screen to turn off caching external pages * [NEW FEATURE] Added and option in the admin screen to turn off caching external images * [NEW FEATURE] Added the option to set-up modules for specific groups * [NEW FEATURE] Added an option in the admin screen to show modules to all users ignoring groups * [NEW FEATURE] Added hotwords allowing you to make some words appear as a link to a URL * [NEW FEATURE] Added an option to turn on/off hotwords from the admins screen * [NEW FEATURE] Added a SandBox a wikipage where no versions are stored to be used as a practice page * [NEW FEATURE] Added an option to turn on/off the SandBox * [FIX] Changed thumbnail generation to a new bicubic funcion producing better quality thumbnails (Jen Jensen) * [FIX] Fixed a bug when links contain a question mark "?" * [FIX] Fixed a bug when uploading images without entering any data * [FIX] Fixed a bug with thumbnails * [FIX] Fixed errors with unescaped characters in Wiki pages * [FIX] fixed a bug that prevented hits from being counted for images Version 0.9 -Spica- * First release of this application.