Module /lib/Galaxia/img/icons/

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Summary Period: 2003-04-19 to 2003-06-19



Lines Of Code

Total Lines Of Code: 0 (2003-08-01)

Changes Per User

UserChangesLines of codeLines each change
lrargerich 136 (99.2%) 0 (-) 0
awcolley 1 (0.7%) 0 (-) 0
Sum 137 (100%) 0 (100%) 0

Most Recent Commits

6/19/03 6:05 PM
fix line terminators
0 lines of code changed in:
lib/Galaxia/img/icons/index.php (changed)

5/27/03 5:34 PM
0 lines of code changed in:
lib/Galaxia/img/icons/Thumbs.db (changed)

4/28/03 6:34 PM
Watches improved
0 lines of code changed in:
lib/Galaxia/img/icons/Thumbs.db (changed)

4/27/03 6:55 PM
Some improvements
0 lines of code changed in:
lib/Galaxia/img/icons/Thumbs.db (changed)

4/24/03 3:11 PM
Blogs improved
0 lines of code changed in:
lib/Galaxia/img/icons/Thumbs.db (changed)

4/19/03 2:42 PM
Workflow engine added to CVS (!!!)
0 lines of code changed in:
lib/Galaxia/img/icons: Activity.gif (new 0), Archive.gif (new 0), FallOut.gif (new 0), Instance.gif (new 0), Openflow.gif (new 0), Process.gif (new 0), Thumbs.db (new 0), Token.gif (new 0), Transaction.gif (new 0), Transition.gif (new 0), Workflow.gif (new 0), add.gif (new 0), addressbook.gif (new 0), auto_focus.gif (new 0), back.gif (new 0), bk.gif (new 0), bk_gap.gif (new 0), bkr.gif (new 0), bksort.gif (new 0), book.gif (new 0), book2.gif (new 0), calendar.gif (new 0), change.gif (new 0), char_a.gif (new 0), clear.gif (new 0), clipboard.gif (new 0), close.gif (new 0), collapse.gif (new 0), color4.gif (new 0), comment.gif (new 0), config.gif (new 0), config2.gif (new 0), desc_length.gif (new 0), dispurl.gif (new 0), etc.gif (new 0), exit.gif (new 0), expand.gif (new 0), explorer.gif (new 0), export.gif (new 0), expression.gif (new 0), fix.gif (new 0), float.gif (new 0), fo.gif (new 0), fo_gap.gif (new 0), fontfamily.gif (new 0), fontsize.gif (new 0), footprint.gif (new 0), for.gif (new 0), global.gif (new 0), gradient.gif (new 0), green_dot.gif (new 0), hbk.gif (new 0), help.gif (new 0), hfo.gif (new 0), history_layer.gif (new 0), hofo.gif (new 0), home.gif (new 0), home_url.gif (new 0), icon_name.gif (new 0), icon_row.gif (new 0), icon_size.gif (new 0), iconalign.gif (new 0), import.gif (new 0), import2.gif (new 0), inc_head.gif (new 0), index.php (new 0), key.gif (new 0), linkpage.gif (new 0), linkto.gif (new 0), memo.gif (new 0), mini_blue_circle.gif (new 0), mini_blue_dbl_circle.gif (new 0), mini_blue_diamond.gif (new 0), mini_blue_hexagon.gif (new 0), mini_blue_inv_triangle.gif (new 0), mini_blue_rectangle.gif (new 0), mini_blue_triangle.gif (new 0), mini_circle.gif (new 0), mini_dbl_circle.gif (new 0), mini_diamond.gif (new 0), mini_hexagon.gif (new 0), mini_inv_triangle.gif (new 0), mini_rectangle.gif (new 0), mini_square.gif (new 0), mini_triangle.gif (new 0), mode_desc.gif (new 0), mode_tree.gif (new 0), move.gif (new 0), myinfo.gif (new 0), netscape.gif (new 0), new.gif (new 0), new_3day.gif (new 0), new_week.gif (new 0), next.gif (new 0), ofo.gif (new 0), opera.gif (new 0), prio1.gif (new 0), prio2.gif (new 0), prio3.gif (new 0), prio4.gif (new 0), prio5.gif (new 0), question.gif (new 0), red_cross.gif (new 0), red_dot.gif (new 0), refresh.gif (new 0), refresh2.gif (new 0), resize.gif (new 0), root_name.gif (new 0), rotate.gif (new 0), s_red.gif (new 0), search_path.gif (new 0), select.gif (new 0), star.gif (new 0), stop.gif (new 0), theme.gif (new 0), timer.gif (new 0), timer2.gif (new 0), today.gif (new 0), toleft.gif (new 0), toright.gif (new 0), trash.gif (new 0), trdot.gif (new 0), up.gif (new 0), url.gif (new 0), url_length.gif (new 0), urlcheck.gif (new 0), visit.gif (new 0), visit_info.gif (new 0), visited_path.gif (new 0), weather.gif (new 0), xclipboard.gif (new 0), zoom.gif (new 0)

Generated by StatCvs v0.1.3