User statistics for lechuckdapirate

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Summary Period: 2003-05-02 to 2003-05-12

Total Changes

51 (0.5%)

Lines Of Code

6583 (1.2%)


ModuleChangesLines of codeLines each change
lib/phpOpenTracker/API/plugins/ 10 (19.6%) 2391 (36.3%) 239
lib/phpOpenTracker/ 7 (13.7%) 1420 (21.5%) 202
lib/ 5 (9.8%) 1409 (21.4%) 281
lib/phpOpenTracker/API/ 2 (3.9%) 386 (5.8%) 193
lib/phpOpenTracker/conf/ 4 (7.8%) 334 (5.0%) 83
lib/filegals/ 1 (1.9%) 237 (3.6%) 237
/ 10 (19.6%) 197 (2.9%) 19
templates/ 10 (19.6%) 106 (1.6%) 10
lib/phpOpenTracker/LoggingEngine/ 1 (1.9%) 81 (1.2%) 81
Smarty/plugins/ 1 (1.9%) 22 (0.3%) 22
Sum 51 (100%) 6583 (100%) 129

Most Recent Commits

5/12/03 1:34 PM
phpOpenTracker update to v1.5
4639 lines of code changed in:
lib/potlib.php (+27 -2)
lib/phpOpenTracker: API.php (+459 -458), Config.php (+84 -105), Container.php (+215 -215), DB.php (+215 -215), LoggingEngine.php (+278 -278), Parser.php (+166 -166), Version.php (+3 -3), LoggingEngine/Plugin.php (+81 -81)
lib/phpOpenTracker/API: Clickpath.php (+190 -191), Plugin.php (+196 -196)
lib/phpOpenTracker/API/plugins: clickpath_analysis.php (+541 -541), individual_clickpath.php (+151 -151), num_visitors_online.php (+84 -84), page_impressions.php (+208 -208), plot_access_statistics.php (+232 -232), plot_top.php (+139 -139), returning_visitors.php (+164 -164), top.php (+415 -415), visitors.php (+218 -218), visitors_online.php (+239 -239)
lib/phpOpenTracker/conf: hosts.ini (+134 -134), lock.ini.dist (+106 -106), operating_systems.ini (+65 -65), user_agents.ini (+29 -29)

5/8/03 2:54 PM
Popups in browse gallery ... pclzip update to v1.3
1321 lines of code changed in:
lib/pclzip.lib.php (+1318 -292), templates/tiki-browse_gallery.tpl (+3 -2)

5/8/03 6:50 AM
Oops... ;) popups in browse gallery... now it should work
1 lines of code changed in:
templates/tiki-browse_gallery.tpl (+1 -1)

5/8/03 6:47 AM
Popup images available while browsing gallery in thumbnails page...
2 lines of code changed in:
templates/tiki-browse_gallery.tpl (+2 -1)

5/7/03 1:59 PM
First run... phpOpenTracker tiki lib... still void. Just a placeholder
29 lines of code changed in:
lib/potlib.php (new 29)

5/7/03 5:21 AM
A bug made folders appear as 'ghost' games...
2 lines of code changed in:
tiki-list_games.php (+2 -1)

5/7/03 3:59 AM
Some trace calls made crash zip batch uploads...
7 lines of code changed in:
lib/pclzip.lib.php (+7 -7)

5/6/03 6:59 PM
*** empty log message ***
10 lines of code changed in:
changelog.txt (+10)

5/6/03 6:55 PM
Batch users import complete... needs to be tested... stress it if you can :P
41 lines of code changed in:
tiki-adminusers.php (+12 -9), lib/userslib.php (+28), templates/tiki-adminusers.tpl (+1 -1)

5/6/03 2:39 PM
Two bugs fixed ... batch add users
3 lines of code changed in:
tiki-adminusers.php (+1 -1), templates/tiki-adminusers.tpl (+2 -1)

Generated by StatCvs v0.1.3